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Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:26 am Post subject: THANKS HOMIES

hay everyone. i just wanted to say thanks to you all who voted me through to the next round. it means so much. and every one of your votes does count. so keep em going. thank you all so much for all your love and support. and keep ur eyes out for me in the future. cuz whenever canadian idol ends, my music career will be just begining. so don't be worried, but stay tuned to the show, i have some killer suprises in line for you guys. you're all the greatest of fans, and i am so thankful for all your votes and messages and emails, and i do CHECK all my messages and emails, but i may not reply because i am so very busy here. anyways. thanks again you guys are the best fans in the world. PEE-ESS!!! make sure u keep telling everyone who hasnt heard about hedley about the website and to watch canadian idol. oh hey and what do u guys think of the new section on the website! take care.


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