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Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 5:45 am Post subject: YOU ARE ALL AMAZING

hey everyone. its jacob again. and i jsut want to extand my thanks. from the bottom of my heart you guys. it means so much that you guys voted me safe this week. honestly, it may not have been my best performance, i mean i'm not perfect. and i suck like the rest of us. but whatever. i just want to sincerely thank you all for all of your support. it truly means everything to me in this crazy game. i wouldn't be here without you guys! LITERALLY! thank you for being the amazing, crazy, hectic fans you are. never change. you guys put a smile on my face. and don't think i don't wander around these message boards frequently and read all my PM's cuz i do. and i love em all. u're a frickin hillarious bunch. i hope all of u can one day see hedley play. because it would be an honor for me to bring my band to play for each and every one of you who takes the time to message on here, and not to mention vote! thank you all so much. you're doing an amazing job as fans! i love you guys so much! and HEY! try and start advertising in the "jacob" section on the idol site! it'll be great for all of us. we could all use millions of more messages. and thanks for all of your PM's i'm sorry i don't get time to reply to many of them at all, but i promise i do read all of them. and they nmake my day! but go! get hedley's name out there! you guys rock my world. seirously. i love you. i love cake. jake.

A place for all Jacob Hoggard Fans

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